Hello to all the craft beer drinkers out there,
As a lot of you probably already know, Townshend's Brewery consists of 2 people... myself and my wife. We are truely craft, creating the beers ourselves in our brewery tucked away in the bush in Upper Moutere. Our beers are based around the craft beers of my English heritage, and we have decided to head back over to the UK to see family and of course try some craft beer.
What that means though, is we wont be selling any beers or tees online until we get back. But don't stress we had prepared for this, and made sure that the supermarkets, bottlo's and pubs that sell our beer are well stoked up. So you can still head to your local and get a pint of our well balance and damn tasty craft beers (if we do say so ourselves).
We have been really blown away with all the exceptional feedback on our new look, and website orders we have been getting. So thanks to all of you that have been part of this, and we look forward to getting our store back online, and filling you in on all our new exciting brews.